飞帆泰& Pyramid 祝您圣诞快乐!

在此,飞帆泰和 Pyramid公司给您送上节日的问候。2022年是巨大挑战的一年:有些可预见的,有些则是意料之外的。在困难时期,与客户和合作伙伴的良好和稳定关系比以往任何时候都更加重要。
faytech Korea Teamfaytech AG(飞帆泰总部)

新办公室更新:"Deutsche Faytech韩国"!

我们很高兴地宣布,最近我们的 "Deutsche Faytech Korea(韩国公司)"搬进了新的办公室! 新办公室位于京畿道商业科学加速器(GBSA),这是一个位于水原市的政府组织,它支持并允许许多机会将飞帆泰纳入政府项目。这个新办公室紧邻高速公路,是加速我们在韩国的业务增长和保持与客户的业务关系的完美选择
B2B Webshop Discount (EU)faytech AG(飞帆泰总部)

飞帆泰的 "黑五 "周--B2B网络商店的促销活动(欧盟)

你有没有想过,“B2B行业的黑色星期五到底有什么问题(只有一天时间)?” 飞帆泰说:“一点问题也没有!”因为我们不喜欢半途而废的做法,所以我们的黑色星期五从11月22日开始,一直持续到12月4日——整整13天……
ICS EV Chargers with faytech screensfaytech AG(飞帆泰总部)


Pyramid AG子公司飞帆泰科技有限公司宣布与埃诺威(苏州)新能源科技有限公司签署框架协议,为灵活储能式充电桩提供非触摸控制显示器。
China Hi-Tech Fair 2022faytech AG(飞帆泰总部)

China Hi-Tech Fair 2022

This year, we will once again be participating in the China Hi-Tech Fair 2022 (15-19 November) in Shenzhen, China. The event is held in the Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center. Visit us at Booth #1D09 in Hall 1 to see our reliable touch…
faytech at Japan IT Weekfaytech AG(飞帆泰总部)


This year, we will be joining the Japan IT Week 2022 - Autumn Edition (26 – 28 October) in Chiba, Japan. The event is held in the Makuhari Messe Convention Center. You can find us at Booth #28-23 in Hall 5 to see reliable touch solutions…
Outdoor screens


On a typical hot summer day, the scorching heat might feel like lava, especially if you try to touch certain surfaces.  That is because, on a summer day, you can witness over 1,000 W/m2 of radiation (watts per square meter). It is not complicated…
faytech's updated 10.1" Industrial Tablet!faytech AG(飞帆泰总部)


Following the successful launch of our ground breaking, world first mobile (nonstationary) 10.1" Industrial (Ruggedized) Tablet, in November, 2021, we are excited to announce the release of its successor, with even more features and benefits; …


Touch Screen monitors feature a contemporary, sleek appearance and a complete IP65-resistant aluminium case. The models that are part of this series come with Capacitive 10-finger multitouch capability or optional resistive touch capability.…