Product Features & Stocked Goods!

Product Features & Stocked Goods!

faytech’s Product Features

As you know, at faytech we never stops improving the existing product portfolio. With over the past few years and months, adding a great deal of features and additions to all our Capacitive touch series.

Some features worth mentioning are as follows:

   • Optical Bonding
All of faytech’s capacitive touch devices are optically bonded by default, ensuring improved stability, reduced reflection, increase in the viewing angle, and enhanced perceived brightness. It also provides resistance to dust particles and shows a better image in general.

• 1.1mm Cover Glass
All capacitive touch devices up to 21.5″ have as standard 1.1mm cover glass with 7H, ensuring a clean and minimalistic front panel, while still being able to endure the same impact rating as a device with 2mm cover glass.

• Antimicrobial Coating
All our Capacitive touch devices will have the option to be coated with Kastus® 24/7 antimikrobielle Beschichtung (3-in-1)®‘s Antimicrobial coating, ensuring a 24/7 day and night germ-free protection coating, which recently is also proven effective against human Coronavirus.

• 128GB SSD in Touch PCs
We managed to double the capacity of the SSD for all our Intel based touch PCs from 64GB to 128GB, ensuring more storage space for all our customers.

There are many more features and additions that distinguish us from the competitor, so should you require any more information or updates, do not hesitate to reach out to us directly!

Well-stocked goods in German Warehouse

We are glad to inform you that many of our products are stocked and available in our warehouse in Germany. Make sure to check out our i5-Core products and Mirror PC, we have most stocked and ready to go! Some example of products that are currently well-stocked in our German warehouse are:

10,1″ Kapazitiver Touch-PC (i5-7300U)
13,3″ Kapazitiver Touch-PC (i5-7300U)
15,6″ Kapazitiver Touch-PC (i5-7300U)
21,5″ Kapazitiver Touch-PC (i5-7300U)
15.6″ Mirror Touch PC (ARM V40)
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Alle oben aufgeführten kapazitiven Touch-PCs haben ein optisch gebondetes Touchpanel, das die Stabilität verbessert, die Reflexion verringert, den Betrachtungswinkel vergrößert und die wahrgenommene Helligkeit erhöht. Es bietet auch Widerstand gegen Staubpartikel und zeigt im Allgemeinen ein besseres Bild.

Wenn Sie sich einen Überblick über die Verfügbarkeit der einzelnen Produkte verschaffen möchten, finden Sie den Echtzeit-Lagerbestand im Login-Bereich unseres B2B-Webshops. Contact us directly, for any project inquiries or other information at +49 5542 30374 10 or