Competitor Comparison Series
We are glad to announce the release of part 4 of faytech’s Open Frame Touch Monitor Comparison series, in which the focus is on the ‘best of’ previous parts! As you know, in the series faytech’s 21.5″ Open Frame Capacitive Touch Monitor is being compared to a similarly priced competitor model. The competitor in question is an American A-brand touch devices provider, and thus a very suitable benchmark to test the capabilities and quality of the faytech device. Check below the short summary of each video in the series.
Part 1
In part 1, Bernard introduces this series and focuses on the general facts, display quality, touch functionality, mounting solutions and the connectors & buttons. Besides this, the optical bonding advantages are covered as well.
Part 2
In part 2 of this series, Arne shows how the Capacitive 10-point multi-touch of both devices work in a rainy and watery environment. Besides this, the touch is also tested using latex and industrial gloves, as well as our capacitive touch stylus.
Part 3
In the 3rd part of the series, the focus is on the ruggedness and IK rating. This is tested with the globally accepted ball drop test using three steel balls weighing 225g (IK07), 500g (IK08) and 1000g (IK09), dropped at 1 meter height.
Part 4
This final part focuses on all the best parts, and a short summary of the previous 3 videos. This video is for those interested in a brief overview of why faytech is the better option in any situation!